My Journey
Hello! My name is Amy and I am so l glad you’re here! My prayer is that you learn something new here today and that God blesses you through what you learn. No matter where you are in your wellness journey, that I can somehow help you to learn, grow and thrive in the abundant life that God HAND PICKED and created just for YOU.
I am a single mom to two teenage daughters. My purpose is to show my daughters how to dream BIG so that they can grow up following their own dreams. My passion is inspiring busy moms to claim joy, freedom, & health for themselves and their families. After many years of struggling with emotional and physical health, I took my own family’s health into my own hands, empowered myself with knowledge, and found simple ways to live non-toxic, natural living on a budget.
When I started my Young Living journey I was searching for emotional support for myself and my 2 daughters. I was to the point of utter desperation. There had been trauma in our past, and our bodies had taken the brunt of it all. We were emotionally and physically drained. I had tried everything I knew to try to help and knew there had to be something to help us but never was able to find what I was looking for – something natural and something that wouldn’t create additional issues. I was starting to feel defeated.
I was talking to a friend about what we were going through and she suggested I look into Young Living Essential Oils. I had NO idea what essential oils were so I started researching them and kept finding more and more reasons why I needed them in our lives. I found that they could not only help us with our emotions but also that they were great for helping us sleep (which was a whole other issue all in itself), immune system support, and so much more. I also found that not all oils are created equal and some even have fillers in them that are just as harmful as the products I was trying to avoid. Plus that the household and body care products we were using were filled with toxic chemicals that were probably contributing to our problems.
I decided to grab a Premium Starter kit in April of 2014. Our lives have never been the same. Not only have the oils supported my family’s emotions since the beginning, but they’ve created a gateway for an entirely new lifestyle of health, wellness, and abundance! We’re more healthy, we’re sleeping well, and we’re a part of a huge community filled with people who support us in so many ways.
Great blend to use when you’ve had enough!
Our puppy, Abby.
Our kitty, Faith.
We love spending time with our extended family, our best family friends….laughing and playing cards at Starbucks.
The loves of my life
One of my favorite verses (out of many).
Put a few drops in some Epsom salt and relax!
Who doesn’t need a little bit of Hope, Motivation and Envision?